Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Texas , Texas . . . T E X A S ♥

  I was born and raised in the city , yet i hate it (: That is why i LOVED being out in Texas last summer with my older sister, her husband and my Nephew David it was so much fun. 
   Well i was out there i shot a gun♥ I also took care of A LOT of birds!! Also some pigs and my favorite a LAMA (: We also wen't too the Guadalupe River, that was amazing too float down the river all day SO MUCH FUN(: Also , taking care of my nephew was amazing. My favorite part about being out in Texas would have too be being out in the middle of nowhere. I mean it is just amazing. No noisy  neighbor's it is amazing. (:

 I am going back out in a couple of weeks, but in steed of staying about a month i am staying for a couple of months, thanks too homeschooling♥ It is gonna be so much funner because my sister just had my second nephew Levi(: Now it is gonna be twice the fun! I can't wait. 
 I have never been so exited, with every thing that has been going on lately,  It is good too have something too look forward (: 
 T E X A S Here i come (:♥☺

1 comment:

  1. I loved the Guadalupe too, which is why Mike says that this year, we're going back! Except that this time, we're leaving David and Levi with Mike's mom, and we're going to the river for 2 days, and we can all float together without having to have someone stay behind each day. The llama misses you... lol. I'm glad you're coming out in EXACTLY ONE MONTH OMG! because Levi will be a month and a half old by then, and you'll be just in time for David's second birthday!

    Also, this year we're going to the Smokey Mountains, and to visit my mom. I'm glad you'll get to come with us :) It has been the only thing I've looked forward to ALL YEAR other than having Levi... is having you out here. Miss you sooooo much!!!!
